Planning Applications
Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. Town & Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. The Town or Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
A mature horse chestnut tree in back garden of 81 Main Street, Queniborough. Requires maintenance work as follows reported by Mr Haydon Gibbins of Syston Tree Care Ltd. Shorten ailing limbs in top of crown back into main canopy, gently reshape by sympathetically shortening over-extended sections back into body of main crown to reduce sail and weight as required (10-20% variable). Remove large hanging dead limb. Inspect general condition especially at old failure points.
81 Main Street Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DB
T1 Sycamore - Fell, s T2 Cotinus - Remove primary stem closest to driveway,
88B Main Street Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DA
T1 Blue Atlas Cedar - Prune side over neighbouring structure by approx. 1-2m.
80 Main Street Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DA
Reduce and reshape 1 x sycamore Fell 2 x fir trees Fell 1 x sycamore All in rear garden Sycamore Tree - Large and uneven tree that was at some point was trimmed on one side by neighbours. Tree has overtaken the garden blocking out light and requires trimming to match the side that was cut by neighbours some years ago Trees Pi2 Pi3 Pi4 - Christmas trees that were planted out in the garden and have become to large blocking out light from the garden and countryside views - To be felled. They are also inconveniently places in the middle of a lawn area Tree Sy3 - Sycamore Tree - This tree has self set in an inconvenient place and been allowed to grow to a medium size. It will grow too big for the space and block further light from the garden - to be felled
76 Main Street Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DA
Cut back branches overhanging to property from neighbours willow tree
23 Mere Lane Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DE
Various Species: Annual trimming of new growth from all trees shown within the red boundary, as part of annual maintenance to maintain shape and form. Please can this property be added to the annual permit list so that they can be maintained each year.
6 Coppice Lane Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DR
Fell 1 x horse chestnut 210080 due to disease Reduce to approx 6m 1 x false acacia 210095 due to disease and structural damage
Main Street Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DG
Tree Ref 1 Ash Fraxinus excelsior Removal of tree with stage 2/3 ash die back. Tree Ref 2 Flowering cherry Crown lift to 2.5m over footpath and to provide 1m clearance from the roof of the summer house.
14 The Banks Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3DQ
Reserved Matters application relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to Outline permission P/20/2380/2 (Appeal ref: APP/X2410/W/23/3316574) for 143 dwellings and discharge of condition nos. 6 (Site/ finished floor levels) and 7 (Arboricultural Method Statement)
Land off Barkby Road, Queniborough, Leicestershire, LE7 3FE
Erection of electricity substation to serve residential development pursuant to Outline permission P/20/2380/2 (Appeal ref: APP/X2410/W/23/3316574)
Land off Barkby Road,Queniborough,Leicestershire,LE7 3FB
Ground remodelling and open space landscaping works (Part Retrospective; Revisions to scheme approved under P/21/1224/2) - amended remodelling proposals submitted 28.11.2023.
Barkby Road Queniborough Leicestershire
Site for the erection of 9No. units to rear of the existing buildings for general Industrial use (Use Class B2), storage and distribution use (Use Class B8) or light industrial use (Use Class E(g)(iii)) (Outline planning permission) (Resubmission of Planning Application ref: P/21/0844/2)
St Georges House Gaddesby Lane Rearsby LE7 4YH
Discharge of Conditions 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 22, 23 and 25 of Planning Application ref:P/20/2383/2 (Outline planning application for the erection of up to 270 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Melton Road. All matters reserved except for means of access)
Land off Melton Road East Goscote Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 26 (Written Scheme of Investigation) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2383/2 (Outline planning application for the erection of up to 270 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Melton Road. All matters reserved except for means of access)
Land off Melton Road East Goscote Leicestershire LE7 4ZH
Outline planning application for the residential development of 100 dwellings alongside associated site infrastructure, open space and landscaping (all matters reserved except for access)
Land at Melton Road Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3FL
Outline planning application for residential development of up to 99 dwellings (Access Only from Melton Road)
Land North of Melton Road Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 2|HD
Erection of dormer extension to front and rear roof slopes of dwelling.
66 Central Avenue Syston Leicestershire LE7 2EE
A. Mulberry tree - reduce height and shape B. Holly - cut back and shape C. Pussy Willow - reduce height by 2 metres and shape D. Labernum - remove dead branches, remove ivy and reduce height and shape E. Conifer - reduce crown by 3 metres, remove side branches which encroaching on summer house and fence, cut back to shape F. Silver birch - cut back branches which overhanging into garden of 1756 Melton Road (tree situated at 11 Orton Close) G. Twisted willow - cut back branches which overhanging into garden of 1756 Melton Road (tree situated at 7 Orton Close)
1756 Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YR
Re pollard lime to previous reduction points
The Old Rectory 1807 Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YS
Fell 1 x conifer and 1 x 'blossom' tree
Ye Olde Farme 11 Mill Road Rearsby LE7 4YN
Change of use of land from residential to car sales and associated operations (sui generis) to form part of the wider adjacent site at no. 1370. Associated operational works including fencing
1368 and 1370 Melton Road,Syston,Leicestershire,LE7 2EQ
1 no. oak to rear of property - reduce by 4m
34 Mill Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YN
1 Cedrus Deodara situated at 15 Brookhouse Close Rearsby on the perimeter of my property to be removed by JSB tree surgeons Upon consulting your on line format their is no Tree Preservation order, however the property lies within the conservation area of Rearsby. I have had numerous complaints regarding the mess from the tree and it is becoming high maintenance and an expense I cannot maintain as I am a widow on limited income I am therefore asking for permission to remove it.
15 Brookhouse Close Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YG
Fell 6 x Scots Pine
The White Lodge Queniborough Road Barkby Leicestershire LE7 3QJ
Outline application for up to 195 dwellings with all matters reserved except access.
Land North of Barkby Road Syston Leicestershire
Residential development for erection of 251 dwellings with associated access works, landscaping, open space and infrastructure
Land at Barkby Road/ Queniborough Road Syston Leicestershire LE7
T1 Lime - Reduce by 3.0m T2 Lime - Reduce by 2.0m and balance crown T3 Beech - Reduce by 2.0m T4 Lime - Carry out a heavy reduction to leave the main branch framework and allow to re-generate T5 Beech Carry out a light reduction of 1.0 - 2.0m
St Peter And St Paul Church Lower Church Street Syston Leicestershire LE7 1GX
Pruning of several trees, mainly ash, as identified by phtotgraphic evidence submitted with the notice to clear power cables.
35 Brookside Barkby Leicestershire LE7 3QD
Change of use of single dwellinghouse to 2 no. residential dwellinghouses: erection of 2 no. single storey rear extensions and 2 no. dormer roof extension to rear roof slopes
31 Main Street Barkby Leicestershire LE7 3QG
TPO tree Area A1: T4 Lime: a mature and dominant specimen located within a confined play area for infant children. Reduce by approximately 2.5m. remove epicormic growth upto crown break, deadwood. Due to the size, proximity and shading of play area, concerns for children's safety. T5 Lombardi poplar: Fell to ground level due to suspected hollowing of main stem.
1096 Melton Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 2HA
T4 Lime: Pollard, as per adjacent street tree. T5 Lombardy poplar: Pollard at approximately 50% due to suspected hollowing of main stem.
1096 Melton Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 2HA